Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fair share? We need to be reminded...

In this season of bloviating political bluster, of global economic meltdowns, of financial bailouts and recriminations, of income redistribution schemes, of shameless and unrestrained pork barrel spending, of cynical accusations of greed and selfishness, it is important that we remind ourselves who it is who actually pays the bills. A minority of working Americans are now subsidizing a voting majority who pay little or nothing at all... the same majority who are pandered to with handouts by the economically-illiterate Barack Obama and John McCain. This road leads to tyranny. It is tyranny when a consuming majority possessing of an insatiable appetite can vote itself largess at the expense of a productive minority. It has been said that there is nothing more fun in this world than spending other people's money. When you don't have to earn it and when you can command it by legislative fiat there are no limits to the amount of fun you can have... aside from sapping the will of the productive to succeed. As Alexander Tytler observed, this may be the ultimate fate of democracies.

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